
February 25, 2018

What to see in Abu Dhabi: visit the new Louvre Museum. An exciting journey back in time among cultures, religions and civilizations

Among the many suggestions and tips to give about what to see in Abu Dhabi unique and which cannot be missed, I can’t help mention one […]
February 7, 2017

Museums in New York: what not to miss, prices and days with free admission

Museums in New York, an endless list. It’s difficult, almost impossible to be able to list all of them, considering the tendency by which new installations […]
January 8, 2017

The Hidden Treasures (I “Tesori nascosti”), the new exhibition-museum by Vittorio Sgarbi in Naples. Impressions, cues and tips

The Hidden Treasures – “I tesori nascosti”: Timo di Camaino, Caravaggio, Gemito…an art exhibition that actually is a museum. By these words Vittorio Sgarbi on the […]
January 6, 2017

5 museums not to miss in Boston: impressions and tips for the tour

They are included by rights among the museums to visit in Massachusetts and, specifically, among the locations not to miss in Boston. They are the example […]
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