26 Risultati: boston

Boston Tea Party: 250 years since the spark of the American Revolution!

  In Boston for the celebrations and commemoration of the 250th anniversary of the Boston Tea Party, the spark of the American Revolution. The history, places, […]

Edward Hopper in New York: tour of the Village

  Edward Hopper in New York: tour of the Village discovering the background places of some among the most famous paintings of the painter and founder […]

What to see in Princeton, New Jersey: tour and tips to visit Princeton University

  What to see in Princeton, New Jersey: tour and tips to visit the town hosting the famous university with the same name and the places […]

New England tour: an itinerary on the road throughout Massachusetts, from Boston as far as Cape Cod

New England tour: an itinerary on the road from Boston as far as Cape Cod. Stages, cues, tips and deepener links to not miss the best […]

Little Women filming locations: the itinerary throughout Massachusetts among the locations of the book and the new movie by Greta Gerwig

Little Women filming locations: the itinerary throughout Massachusetts discovering the real locations of the book in the background of the new movie by Greta Gerwig. From […]

New England where to sleep: the best 10 Country Inns, B&B and historic Lighthouses where to stay

New England where to sleep: the best 10 Country Inns, B&B, Industrial Hotels, Guest Houses and historic Lighthouses where to stay. Info, suggestions and useful tips […]

What to do in Boston: visit the EMK Institute for the U.S. Senate and be Senator of a US State for one day

What to do in Boston unusual and particular? Why not to think about the tour of a place which allows to enter more deeply the complex […]

Where to eat in Philadelphia: the history and the savors of the City Tavern Restaurant, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and John Adam’s favorite tavern

What’s the ideal place where to eat in Philadelphia? Maybe at the end of an intense day spent exploring the Independence National Historical Park, after have […]

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