4 Risultati: Amelia Earhart

Where to sleep on Route 66: 10 historic motels (and hotels) not to miss. A small guidebook, tips and curious issues

“My idea of heaven is me and my wife on Route 66 with a pot of coffee, a cheap guitar, pawnshop tape recorder in a Motel […]

What to visit in Arizona unusual and particular: I tell you the magic, the story and the suggestions of the Meteor Crater National Landmark

What to visit in Arizona unusual and particular, to include maybe as “alternative” stage in a road trip throughout the South West USA? It’s difficult being […]

Alternative things to do in New York: visit the American Geographical Society. Lives, stories and relics of the great explorers between 1800 and 1900

There would be really many alternative things to do in New York. It would be enough to look beyond the attractions and the most told and […]

Unusual New York: visit the old Floyd Bennett Field Hangar B, the first NYC Airport

Once again I have the chance – precious – to tell you about fragments of an unusual New York, very far from the usual tourist paths […]

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