March 16, 2019

10 things to know before travelling to New York: tips, cues and practical info to plan the journey at its best – and completely safe

10 things to know before travelling to New York, my tips How to get prepared for New York? What to know absolutely – above all if […]
January 7, 2019

5 places to travel to in 2019: cues, tips and itineraries to discover the most authentic, unusual and surprising USA

5 places to travel to in 2019 to the United States: a selection of itineraries – in part unusual and definitely original – to discover the […]
December 9, 2018

7 reasons to visit New York in December: from the special events dedicated to Christmas as far as the places where to admire the most suggestive decorations

7 reasons to visit New York in December: a small guidebook about the special events not to miss, about some unusual things to do and about […]
December 2, 2018

What to do in New York at Christmas: a subway ride on the “Nostalgia Trains”, the vintage trains of the old NYC

There are a lot of tips to give about what to do in New York at Christmas. I think about the magic of the Bryant Park […]
November 8, 2018

Things to do in Alaska: itinerary along the mythical Dalton Highway, from Fairbanks as far as the Arctic Circle. Stages, info and tips

Among the things to do in Alaska – planning an itinerary taking discovering its more suggestive and interesting places, at a landscape level as well historic […]
October 27, 2018

A journey to Detroit: visit the Motown Museum – the legendary music record founded by Berry Gordy – and the mythical Studio A

A journey to Detroit and the rediscovery of a surprising city, different, totally out of the conventional mould. A journey into the auto story – I […]
October 22, 2018

A journey to Alaska: 16 days itinerary, from the Inside Passage as far as the Arctic Circle and the Kenai Peninsula. Stages, info and tips

My journey to Alaska. Intense, exciting, unique. From Canada as far as the gate through the amazing Inside Passage, from the Glacier Bay National Park as […]
October 13, 2018

How to plan a journey to Alaska: everything you need to know to choose and plan an itinerary to the “Last Frontier”

How to plan a journey to Alaska and – above all – where to start from? How to be able to choose and plan the most […]
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